domenica 30 marzo 2008

McCain, Obama ...and Beppe Grillo!

In love and in war everything is allowed. Is this “rule” be applied in an electoral campaign too? Sometimes…
Reading newspapers these days I’ve noticed that politicians say and do whatever they can say or do to prompt electors (see the two signature tunes of the two main parties in Italy!). In order to gain a vote everything is used as a proof for this or that idea, sometimes the same fact can confirm two different thesis!! But that’s politics!

In the New York Times there’s a good example of that. (Read article). The fact relates to Iraq, where a fighting broke out last week as Iraqi security forces tried to expel Shiite militias from Barsa. This occurrence was used by McCain to strengthen his opinion according to which the “troop escalation is working”(Friess and Powell, NYT). But Obama said exactly the opposit! To him is the fighting in Basra an "evidence that the American troop buildup has failed to provide stability and political reconciliation" (Friess and Powell, NYT). Who's right?

In foreign newspapers still nobody cares about Italian elections (but there are a lot of Italians that do the same!). But I found an old article in Die Zeit about Beppe Grillo who gave a performance in German (with two simultaneous interpreters) describing Italy the way he usually uses here, and it was a great success!...I don't think that it would be the same success if a German comic actor would do such a performance (in German with interpreters) in Italy!

1 commento:

Elena B ha detto...

Hi Sara!
I cannot come to our English lesson on Monday because I'll be taking the exam for the European computer Driving License. In my blog, you'll find my proposal for the topic of our final project.
See you on Wednesday!
