till now I've never thought about how I judge a web site or other kind of sources, but reading the websites suggested by Sarah I've realized that actually I do it.
Naturally it's up to what I need; first of all I look at the url, in particular at the last letters that compose it, for istance: gov., edu., etc... Here you can learn how to know more about a site by its url. Than I look at the date, because usually I look for updated data, so I have to be sure that they are recent... That's all, I don't do anything more, or better, I keep away from the site that want to sell you something, I don't believe in their good faith!
But I think that from now on I will pay attention to the author too. In this site you can find some good tips to discover something about the author of a site, even if not in all serches it's essential to have news about the author's life.
As for search engine I usually use Google, for a first search, and when I'm not satisfied (as often happen!) I do an advanced search.
And you? How do you judge your searches?
But I think that from now on I will pay attention to the author too. In this site you can find some good tips to discover something about the author of a site, even if not in all serches it's essential to have news about the author's life.
As for search engine I usually use Google, for a first search, and when I'm not satisfied (as often happen!) I do an advanced search.
And you? How do you judge your searches?
4 commenti:
Hi Sara, while I read the sites I thought that the search I did weren't accurate. I've never thought about how many problems could arise when you do research, so the sites'll be useful. I usually check if it is a reliable source and sometimes and who is the author of the site, as I pointed out on my blog I've never used Wikipedia cuz everybody can write on it, it doesn't give us exhaustive explanation and I think it's vague. See ya
Hi Sara, I can see that we act rather similarly when surfing the net. About Wikipedia, I think it is not that bad. Everybody can write on it but who does so is asked to provide sources and authors. If this information is not provided, the user is informed about that. Then, from time to time, it is not that easy to state weather a source is reliable or not. We just have to use our knowledge and be critical. Actually, this last sentence sums up what I've learnt from surfing the net and using its tools.
Be merry!
Hi Sara!
I agree with the criteria you suggest. Niko said that to evaluate sources we just have to use our knowledge and be critical, but if we don't have knowledge about a topic (for example we have to do resources) how can we judge information? I think that following some criteria like those you list is the best solution. Do you agree?
See you on Monday,
Hi! I think that even if we don't know much on the topic we can judge if a website is trustworthy or not! I think that (in addiction to all the interesting thing you all said) we can also check the language used by the author! I mean, if an English speaking person writes a text with grammar's mistakes, I will not trut him...
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